Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thank you

My sister had a fundraiser party for us the other night.  So many people made things to be sold and/or donated items to sell at the party.  My sister, Wendy, and her husband Dan worked hard to clean their house, display everything beautifully, design a gorgeous invitation, and invite many people to the party.  It was so touching and so sweet!  I can only imagine the many hours they put into this effort!  They didn't have a lot of people show up on the actual party day... but they certainly got the word out there and were VERY successful in their fundraising efforts!  We truly thank everyone who made items, baked treats, and donated things to the party!  Because of their efforts (and everyone who helped), they've raised over $600.00 so far!  THANK YOU!!!!

I want to thank my amazing church that surprised us with a VERY generous donation!  Thank you also goes to a wonderful family for sharing our story with Pastor Jay!  This family is truly looking out for us and sharing in our journey!  They are the most amazing, giving, caring, and loving family- a true inspiration for us!

I also have to thank my wonderful second grade families!  Several families have donated directly to our agency, and we are so thankful!  We've also been given the cutest clothes for Kate!  We had our end of year picnic last night, which was truly fun!  We have the most amazing parents in our class this year!  Throughout the year, Sue (my assistant) and I have been taken such great care of with lunches, snacks, and amazing support!  Last night, they presented us with a card that everyone signed and a cash gift that left us speechless!  My end of year gift is going to help bring home the most amazing gift of all- Kate!  Thank you second grade families!  Sharing this journey with them has been so much fun!

I also want to thank the grant foundations that I have heard back from- Show Hope, Gift of Adoption, and Caroline's Promise.  They were unable to grant us a gift at this time, but each of their letters gave so much hope.  Like one letter said, "It is our hope that you will not be discouraged by this letter, but rest in the knowledge that The Lord is wonderfully good to those who wait for Him".  We also appreciate the sincere prayers that were said for our adoption when they were making their decisions.  God is listening and He has other plans for bringing Kate home.  Of course we still have our fingers crossed that the other five foundations that we've applied to may be able to help.

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